Module type Http.C

include module type of Ezcurl_core
module Config : sig ... end
type t = Curl.t
val make : ?set_opts:(t -> unit) -> unit -> t
val delete : t -> unit
val with_client : ?set_opts:(t -> unit) -> (t -> 'a) -> 'a
type response_info = {
  1. ri_response_time : float;
  2. ri_redirect_count : int;
val pp_response_info : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> response_info -> unit
val string_of_response_info : response_info -> string
type response = {
  1. code : int;
  2. headers : (string * string) list;
  3. body : string;
  4. info : response_info;
val pp_response : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> response -> unit
val string_of_response : response -> string
type meth =
  1. | GET
  2. | POST of Curl.curlHTTPPost list
  3. | PUT
  4. | DELETE
  5. | HEAD
  6. | CONNECT
  7. | OPTIONS
  8. | TRACE
  9. | PATCH
val pp_meth : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> meth -> unit
val string_of_meth : meth -> string
module type IO = sig ... end
module type S = sig ... end
module Make (IO : IO) : sig ... end
include Ezcurl_core.S
type 'a io
val http : ?tries:int -> ?client:Ezcurl_core.t -> ?config:Ezcurl_core.Config.t -> ?range:string -> ?content:[ `String of string | `Write of bytes -> int -> int ] -> ?headers:(string * string) list -> url:string -> meth:Ezcurl_core.meth -> unit -> (Ezcurl_core.response, Curl.curlCode * string) Stdlib.result io
val get : ?tries:int -> ?client:Ezcurl_core.t -> ?config:Ezcurl_core.Config.t -> ?range:string -> ?headers:(string * string) list -> url:string -> unit -> (Ezcurl_core.response, Curl.curlCode * string) Stdlib.result io
val put : ?tries:int -> ?client:Ezcurl_core.t -> ?config:Ezcurl_core.Config.t -> ?headers:(string * string) list -> url:string -> content:[ `String of string | `Write of bytes -> int -> int ] -> unit -> (Ezcurl_core.response, Curl.curlCode * string) Stdlib.result io
val post : ?tries:int -> ?client:Ezcurl_core.t -> ?config:Ezcurl_core.Config.t -> ?headers:(string * string) list -> ?content:[ `String of string | `Write of bytes -> int -> int ] -> params:Curl.curlHTTPPost list -> url:string -> unit -> (Ezcurl_core.response, Curl.curlCode * string) Stdlib.result io