type t =
| Char of char
A single character string.
*)| Bool of bool
Must be a JSON boolean.
*)| Int of Stdint.uint64
Value must be a JSON number with no fractional or exponent part that is within the representable range of the corresponding integer data type.
*)| Float of float
Value representing a JSON float.
*)| FloatBits of float
A JSON string specifying a byte representation of the float a hexstring.
*)| IntComplex of Stdlib.Complex.t
A JSON 2-element array of integers representing a complex number.
*)| FloatComplex of Stdlib.Complex.t
A JSON 2-element array of floats representing a complex number.
*)| FFComplex of Stdlib.Complex.t
| FBComplex of Stdlib.Complex.t
| BFComplex of Stdlib.Complex.t
| BBComplex of Stdlib.Complex.t
Provides an element value to use for uninitialised portions of a Zarr array. The permitted values depend on the data type.