Module type Zip.S

exception Path_already_exists of string
include Storage.S
type t

The storage type.

type 'a io

The I/O monad type.

module Group : sig ... end
module Array : sig ... end
val hierarchy : t -> (Node.Array.t list * Node.Group.t list) io

hierarchy t returns p where p is a pair of lists representing all nodes in store t. The first element of the pair is a list of all array nodes, and the second element is a list of all group nodes. This operation returns a pair of empty lists if store t is empty.

  • raises Parse_error

    if any node has invalid node_type metadata.

val clear : t -> unit io

clear t clears the store t by deleting all nodes. If the store is already empty, this is a no-op.

val open_store : ?level:Codecs.deflate_level -> string -> t

open_store ?level p returns a store instance representing a zip archive of a Zarr v3 hierarchy stored at path p. level is the DEFLATE algorithm compression setting used when writing new entries into the archive.

val create : ?level:Codecs.deflate_level -> string -> t io

create ?level p creates a zip archive at path p and then returns a store instance representing the zip archive. level is the DEFLATE algorithm compression setting used when writing new entries into the archive.